
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Swan lake on Stage

Leila Drake as Odile

Swan lake on stage:

I have to confess that Swan lake is not really my favorite ballet. It can be either overly dramatic or if the principles are not strong Odette can be insipid and Siegfried a bit of a fop. If the corps de ballet is only a bit off, than it just looks bad. If it is done well, it is wonderful but since Swan lake is "the ballet" it often is not. Like Nutcracker, it can be done to death.

Queen mother and Siegfried (Ryan Camou) Swan lake
 (photo credit Johann Studier)

This performance of Swan Lake was done well. The dancers looked fabulous and they moved as one.The two principles Leila Drake and Ryan Camou were wonderful to behold. No insipid or foppish characters here. Leila Drake was a strong, yet vulnerable Odette with flawless technique. Ryan Camou was dashing as Prince Siegfried. His lifts and jumps were effortless. Together Leila and Ryan made their roles come alive and made this performance of Swan lake exciting to watch.
Here are some great photos and a short video clip so that you can judge for yourself. Swan lake dress rehearsal: Little swans on stage

Leila Drake as Odette & Ryan Camou as Siegfried
Swan lake 2012
 (photo credit Johann Sudier)
Leila Drake as Odette & Ryan Camou as Siegfried
Swan lake Act 2
 (photo credit Johann Sudier)
I tried uploading some small video clips of Swan lake on stage but I was unable to do so. Instead I have added a few more photos of Swan lake on stage.
Leila Drake as Odette and Ryan Camou as Siegfried
 Swan lake
 (photo credit Johann Sudier)
 Swan lake Act 2, 18 swans on stage
 (photo credit Johann Sudier)
 Swan lake, Act 4, 20 swan on stage
 (photo credit Johann Sudier)

Leila Drake as Odette, Swan lake
 (photo credit Johann Sudier)
Swan lake, Swans
 (photo credit Johann Studier)
Swan lake: Leila Drake as Odette, Ryan Camou as Siegfried
 (photo credit Johann Studier)

My apologies for the quality of this video clip but this was the only one I could get to work. This was taken during the dress rehearsal of Act 2 of Swan lake. Leila Drake as Odette, Ryan Camou as Siegfried.
There are no photos of Leila as Odile on stage. I have included one here of her in the studio in the costume I created:
Leila Drake of State Street Ballet as Odile


  1. Thank you but I cannot take credit for the wonderful photographs. These were made by the multi-talented Johann Studier who was a guest artist with the Ithaca Ballet for several years.He currently still teaches at the school. All I can take credit for are the 22 swan tutus, Odette and Odile's headpieces, the queen mother's costume and the candidate brides skirts (I sewed and roll hemmed all 18 layers of chiffon for them). I also made a crown (the one shown on the cover page) and the headpiece that the "queen" ended up using. I am hoping to post more photos of new things I am working on soon (lots of hats and headpieces and maybe a tutu or two).
