
Monday, June 25, 2012

Giselle on stage

Giselle: Brent Whitney as Albrecht,  Nadia Drake as Myrtha
(photo credit Johann Studier) 
Here are photos (taken by Johann Studier) of Giselle on stage:
The role of Giselle was beautifully performed by Beth Mochizuki, curently a dancer with State Street Ballet in Santa Barbara California. Beth was a graceful Giselle and her mad scene was very well done. Her pointe work (which is very challenging in this role) was feather light yet strong.
Brent Whitney was exciting and masterful as Albrecht, Giselle's suitor. He filled the stage with his presence and his jumps were effortless.  Beth and Brent worked very well together and gave a top notch performance
Beth Mochizuki as Giselle, Brent Whitney as Albrecht
(photo credit Johann Studier) 
Nadia Drake, long time principle of the Ithaca Ballet, was exceptional in her role as Myrtha.  Nadia has wonderful stage presence in all her roles but seemed especially strong in this one. She was forceful and imposing as the Queen of the dead maidens, and woe to any man who came across her path! At the same time, when she was dancing her initial solo as Myrtha, it was possible to see who the woman she (Myrtha) might have been before she was jilted and died herself: soft, vulnerable and in love. Nadia's performance was memorable and very striking.
Giselle: Nadia Drake as Myrtha
(photo credit Johann Studier)

Ithaca Ballet Giselle: The Wilis, with "Furies" on left and right
(photo credit Johann Studier) 
The Wilis were performed by the Ithaca ballet's corp de ballet.  A good corps de ballet moves together uniformly, with arms, legs and heads moving as one. The dancers gave a very cohesive performance. It really was a shame that the performance was so poorly attended because to see something of this level and quality one would have had to travel to a much larger town.
Ithaca Ballet Giselle: Myrtha and her Wilis
(photo credit Johann Studier) 

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