
Knitted & Crocheted

I find it extremely funny that I am actually making and selling knitted and crocheted items.
Back in the dark-ages when I went to elementary school, learning to knit and crochet was a requirement for "young ladies".
To put it mildly, at that time I had no talent for knitting or crocheting. My mother (who is not only a talented seamstress but can also make just about anything) had taught me the basics but the teacher at school was to teach me how to actually make something.
Miss T, who was one of my classmates maiden-aunts, took an instant dislike to me: I was too happy, too boisterous, too foreign and just too talkative. I spent a large part of the class standing in the corner and so my learning was not enhanced. Still, I was required to produce something knitted and something crochet to be promoted to 4th grade.
I wept many bitter tears but finally a little knitted square and a little crochet circle was produced.
According to Miss T (no Mz., please), my knitting looked like the Gordian knot and my crochet was "an abomination" but it was "sufficient" for me to be promoted.
Needles to say, I knitted nothing for years and the thought of doing so made me very anxious. One day I simply decided to conquer my fears. I wanted to make something for my soon to be new born and I suddenly discovered that not only could I knit (and later crochet) but I did it rather well and enjoyed it.
A range of scarves available in my Etsy shop
It is something very portable and I like to knit or crochet on long car trips. Most of my sewing is done in the winter, knitting and crochet is a summer activity.
I'll be adding posts about some of the things I am making here.

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